Sidharth Malhotra’s action-packed film ‘Yodha’ had a fantastic Sunday at the box office, with a significant increase in collections. Although it came close, the movie fell just short of reaching the 20 crore mark in its opening weekend.
According to early estimates from, ‘Yodha’ raked in around Rs 7 crore on Sunday, which is pretty impressive! The film had a decent opening day with a collection of Rs 4.1 crore and continued to gain momentum, earning Rs 5.75 crore on Saturday. Overall, it’s estimated to have made a total of Rs 16.85 crore over the weekend.
On Sunday, ‘Yodha’ had a fantastic 23.29% occupancy in Hindi cinemas! The audience turnout increased significantly, especially during the night shows. It’s great to see such a surge in footfalls for the film.
The introduction of the #Buy1Get1 ticket offer definitely played a major role in attracting more moviegoers and boosting the box office performance of ‘Yodha’. It’s no wonder that it contributed to the rise in ticket sales. What a smart move.